Clay County FY2024 Lottery Proceeds Expenditure Summary

Elementary and Secondary Education
School District Program Description Total Expended
EXCELSIOR SPRINGS SCHOOL Classroom Trust Distributed to each school district in the state qualified to receive state aid on an average daily attendance basis $90,476
EXCELSIOR SPRINGS SCHOOL Career Ladder State matching fund to help public school teachers advance in their career $453,900
EXCELSIOR SPRINGS SCHOOL Foundation Transportation Provides state transportation aid for public school districts and charter schools for transportation services to and from school at the beginning and end of the school day dur $1,268,902
EXCELSIOR SPRINGS SCHOOL DFS/DMH School Placements Assists school districts in providing education to students in residential placements through DFS/DMH $4,688
KEARNEY REORG SCHOOL DIST R-I Classroom Trust Distributed to each school district in the state qualified to receive state aid on an average daily attendance basis $122,770
KEARNEY REORG SCHOOL DIST R-I Career Ladder State matching fund to help public school teachers advance in their career $475,200
KEARNEY REORG SCHOOL DIST R-I Foundation Transportation Provides state transportation aid for public school districts and charter schools for transportation services to and from school at the beginning and end of the school day dur $1,369,848
KEARNEY REORG SCHOOL DIST R-I GYO-CC-Grants Provides funds to community colleges for recruitment and retention of candidates in teacher preparation programs $9,988
LIBERTY PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT Classroom Trust Distributed to each school district in the state qualified to receive state aid on an average daily attendance basis $440,752
LIBERTY PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT Foundation Transportation Provides state transportation aid for public school districts and charter schools for transportation services to and from school at the beginning and end of the school day dur $4,627,984
LIBERTY PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT GYO-CC-Grants Provides funds to community colleges for recruitment and retention of candidates in teacher preparation programs $10,000
MISSOURI CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Classroom Trust Distributed to each school district in the state qualified to receive state aid on an average daily attendance basis $836
MISSOURI CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Foundation Transportation Provides state transportation aid for public school districts and charter schools for transportation services to and from school at the beginning and end of the school day dur $44,101
SMITHVILLE R-II Classroom Trust Distributed to each school district in the state qualified to receive state aid on an average daily attendance basis $91,008
SMITHVILLE R-II Career Ladder State matching fund to help public school teachers advance in their career $338,400
SMITHVILLE R-II Foundation Transportation Provides state transportation aid for public school districts and charter schools for transportation services to and from school at the beginning and end of the school day dur $738,441
SMITHVILLE R-II DFS/DMH School Placements Assists school districts in providing education to students in residential placements through DFS/DMH $2,369
VARIOUS INDIVIDUALS AND ORGS. Vocational Rehab Grant Assists clients who have disabilities to obtain employment by diagnosis, physical restoration, training and placement $9,363
WILLIAM JEWELL COLLEGE TRR State Scholarship Program Teacher recruitment and retention scholarship program. Lottery proceeds were sole source of funding for FY24. $5,830
CLAY COUNTY TOTAL: $10,104,856


All Missouri Lottery proceeds are earmarked for public education.
The Missouri Legislature determines how Lottery proceeds are allocated each year. Proceeds expended are Fiscal Year 2024 expenditures from SAMII.


Past Lottery Proceeds Funding

The amounts shown for each fiscal year below reflect the amount of funding appropriated by the Legislature for various educational programs. Appropriation amounts may vary from the actual dollar amounts expended.